Spotted a problem with our website?

This form is only for problems and enquiries relating to our website. Please read the below.

If you wish to report abuse, or want information or advice, please contact the Helpline

For any other enquiries or statements, including compliments and complaints, please contact Supporter Care on 020 7825 2505 or by filling out this form

If you have spotted a problem on our website, such as an error or a link not working properly, please continue and fill out this form:

Copy the address of the website page you want to tell us about from the address bar of your web browser and paste it in below.

Type of website issue

Which of these best describes the problem you're having with our website? Please tick at least one of the boxes.

Please provide us with any information that can help us identify and fix the problem you've spotted on our website.

We will only use your email address to send you a response to your query. We will not pass your details to any other organisation. You may unsubscribe at any time. View our privacy policy for full details.