Sign up to Number Day 2025

Thank you for registering early. Please fill out the form below to sign up your school or nursery to Number Day on Friday 7 February 2025!


All fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.

Estimated time to complete: 2 minutes

If you're having issues completing the form, please contact [email protected]

Please input your school's postcode below*

We'll use your email, phone number and postal address to contact you about Number Day. This will include sharing information about our services and how your support can make a difference.

Would you like to receive our monthly Safeguarding in Education email?

We’d like to send you other communications about our professional training, events, latest news, services and resources that may be relevant to you.

Please let us know whether you're happy to receive information from us by:

If you don’t want to receive information by post, please tick here.
Would you be happy for us to contact you about your school being mentioned in a local press release?