Page address suggestions

Please select a page name from the list below.

Start raising money online now.

Stage 1
Create your page
  • Choose your JustGiving page address, this can be anything you like provided it's available.

    Simply type in the address you would like and the form will automatically tell you if it is available.

    If you're struggling to find an address, type in your preferred address and click the view suggestions option to see alternatives.
  • Please type the amount you are aiming to raise

    e.g. £500.00

Stage 2
Remembering someone special

Dedicate your page in memory of someone special by ticking this box

Please tell us about the person you're remembering

An In Memory Collection page is automatically created when someone dedicates a fundraising page to the memory of a loved one.

It brings together all the fundraising being done in their memory, making it easy to see friends and family who are also raising money.

Once you have entered the details of the person you are remembering, you can search for an existing In Memory Collection page.

If a page for your loved one has already been set up, you will be able to link your fundraising page for this event or, you will be able to create a new In Memory Collection page for your loved one.

Please note only first name and last name are compulsory for the search.

Stage 3
Log in to your account or create a new account

If you already have a JustGiving account, sign in with your email address and password below. Or create a new JustGiving account now.

  • Sign in using the email address you registered when joining JustGiving.

    If you have not registered with JustGiving, click the create a new JustGiving account option.

  • Sign in using your JustGiving password.

    If you have forgotten your password, click the Forgotten your Password? option to request a password reminder email.

forgotten your password?