ReciteMe accessibility toolbar

Using the Recite Me accessibility toolbar

(If you want to use the toolbar now, please click this button)

To help everyone use the NSPCC website, you can use the ReciteMe accessibility toolbar. This toolbar allows you to:

  • Change font size, style and colour on any page
  • Magnify areas of a page and set a reading ruler or mask
  • Adjust the colour contrast of a page
  • Read sections of text aloud and download audio files
  • Translate text into different languages.

The toolbar will automatically turn on text-to-speech. If you don’t want this, press the settings button, then turn off autoplay. You can turn off the toolbar anytime by pressing the “X”.

There’s a link to the toobar at the bottom of every page on the site. It's the last item under the 'Links' heading.

Here's an image showing the toolbar button at the bottom of the page:

reciteme at bottom of page.jpg


Screen reader

These buttons let you listen to our website instead of reading.

Back: rewind to the previous paragraph of text 

Play: click the play button to read the text aloud

Forward: skip forward to the next paragraph of text

Download: highlight the text to download as an audio file


Text options

These buttons let you change the text on the page

Decrease: make the text smaller

Font: change the font of the text

Increase: make the text bigger


Page appearance

These buttons let you change the way the website looks

Colour: change the colour of the background, text, and links

Ruler: a reading ruler to help you follow the text

Screen mask: focus on the section you're reading by blocking out the rest of the page

Magnify: move a magnifying glass to make parts of the page bigger


Understanding the text

These buttons help you understand the text

Dictionary: highlight the word you don't understand, and you'll get a definition

Translation: translate the text into a different language. 

Disclaimer: the translation is done automatically by the toolbar, it might be inaccurate or have errors. We aren't responsible for the accuracy of the translations. 

Plain text: remove images and formatting and view as plain text

Margins: narrow or widen the margins around the text



These buttons let you change the settings of the toolbar, reset the changes, and read the Recite Me user guide

Settings: change the settings of the toolbar

Reset: removes your toolbar changes

User guide: a link to the Recite Me user guide on their website


Keyboard shortcuts

You can use these keyboard shortcuts to help use the toolbar: 

Tab - move to the next toolbar button

Shift+Tab - move to the last toolbar button

Spacebar - select a button and also change toggles

ctrl+right - play the next element

ctrl+left - play the current element

ctrl+alt+f - show font menu

ctrl+alt+c - show theme menu

ctrl+r - enable or disable the ruler

ctrl+d - enable or disable the dictionary

ctrl+l - show translation languages

ctrl+x - enable or disable plain-text mode

ctrl+m - show page margin settings

ctrl+shift+o - show or hide the settings menu

ctrl+s - save your settings


Frequently asked questions:

No, the Recite Me accessibility toolbar is cloud-based software, so you don't need to install anything onto your computer

Click on the 'accessibility toolbar' button, this can be found at the bottom of every page on the website, the last item under the 'Links' heading. 

Click on the 'Settings' button, or use the keyboard shortcut: ctrl+shift-o. 

There will be 3 options to choose from, click the toggle button to the right of where it says 'autoplay', this will disable auto-read, click it again to turn auto-read back on.

Here's an image showing what the settings menu looks like:

Yes. The accessibility toolbar works on lots of different devices and operating systems, including: Android, iOS, Linux, Mac, and Windows devices.

To turn the accessibility toolbar off, and close the toolbar, click on the 'X' on the right of the toolbar. 

A pop-up will appear asking if you're sure that you want to close the toolbar. If you're sure, click the first button, saying 'OK', and the toolbar will be turned off and disappear from the top of the screen. 


Visit the Recite Me website

For more information on the Recite Me accessibility toolbar, accessibility, and the Recite Me company as a whole, visit their website

Visit the Recite Me website