Become a major donor

Abuse changes childhood. But so can we.

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What is a major gift?

The NSPCC is incredibly grateful for any donation. We define a major supporter as anyone who has pledged or given £5,000 or more in philanthropic support.

What we do

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For over 140 years, we have been at the forefront of fighting against cruelty and neglect, and helping society understand that ending child abuse is everyone’s responsibility.

Everything we do protects children today and prevents abuse tomorrow, to build a better society for every child.


  • Through Childline we give children a voice and are here to support them through life’s challenges and protect them from dangerous situations.
  • Our NSPCC helpline exists to support adults with any worry or question about a child. And we can intervene and help children who might be at risk from harm.
  • We rally together with our supporters to make sure the government is making policy decisions with children at the heart of them.


  • Through our Schools Service we’re reaching children with our Speak out. Stay safe. assemblies, teaching them to spot the signs of abuse and helping them understand who they can turn to for help if they need it.
  • We empower parents through campaigns like Talk PANTS, information and tools on topics like online safety, and more.
  • Our network of service centres across the UK deliver vital services for families, and provide intensive therapeutic services to children who have been abused or need our support.

Join the NSPCC Family

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By becoming a major supporter, you will join the NSPCC Family. You’ll receive regular updates on our work in the form of reports and news, as well as Changing Childhoods magazine.

We’ll share the impact your support has on shaping children’s lives, and will invite you to exclusive events that connect you with our cause and celebrate our successes together.

We're incredibly grateful to all our supporters for helping us to shape a better future for children. We'd like to thank all our listed major donors for their generosity, as well as those who wish to remain anonymous.

See our list of major donors

"My family are immensely proud to have supported the NSPCC for over 10 years, helping to shape the lives of children in Liverpool and Merseyside for the better."

“Blakemore Retail have been supporting the NSPCC for 13 years, and it’s been great to see the impact we’re able to have.”

"Since joining the NSPCC Family, I’ve seen first-hand the impact that the NSPCC has on children and young people. From helping them recover from abuse to changing laws to keep children safe in our society. I support the NSPCC because in doing so I know I can really make a difference.’

Get in touch

To find out more about the NSPCC Family and how you can get involved to shape a better world for children, contact Edgar Sutcliffe, head of Major Giving: [email protected]

Email us

Give your own way

 There are many ways you can help our cause, and we can work with you to support your giving in a way that suits you.

One Unforgettable Day

Turn a memorable date for you into an unforgettable day for a child. Childline receives 550 contacts a day, by funding One Unforgettable Day you can fund the service for a day.

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Giving your time and skills

Giving money isn’t the only way you can support our work. Your expertise and time is invaluable to us. Whether it is through hosting and event, helping us to meet other people who are interested in our work, or sharing your knowledge with us, you can make a big impact on the lives of children in the UK.